Live Sketching this Weekend
This past weekend my son and his Dallas Jr. Wheelchair Mavericks played at the Larry Turner Classic in San Marcos, TX. I sketched the...
Live Sketching this Weekend
Adding figures to sketches
Sketching the nondescript
30×30 Direct Watercolors (part 2)
30×30 Direct Watercolors (Part 1)
Sketching Struggles:
Keeping It Real
Selma, Me Too
Mixing grays in watercolor
Nostalgic of Puerto Rico
iPad Sketching on Location
Practice for my workshop
My upcoming workshop!
Sketching at Chinatown
Sketching With Watersoluble Ink (Part 2)
Sketching With Watersoluble Ink
A New Chapter: Urban Sketchers Philadelphia
Marking With Markers
My YouTube Channel!