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30×30 Direct Watercolors (Part 1)

I don’t have much time to either sketch or to blog, but I wanted to participate this year in the 30×30 Direct Watercolors Challenge. The challenge is to do 30 paintings in the month of June, directly with watercolors, no pencil drawing underneath. I thought this was good practice for what could be my future style, based on the lack of control I have with pens or pencils. There are no rules regarding the subject or if these are based on photographs or from live observation. I’ve been wanting to get my feet wet with portraiture, but with a loose and expressive style. So decided to do a self-portrait a day (if I don’t get tired of drawing myself over and over…).

I am sketching fairly small, 9″ x 6″. At the beginning I was using two small brushes, #8 and #5 round, but the last couple days I have mostly used a big #24 round brush. I am liking the bigger brush better.

Here are my sketches for the first six days. These are all under 30 minutes each.

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